NZGIF One Pager
We invest in scalable companies, technologies and projects that are commercial-ready and offer low carbon benefits for New Zealand. Find out more about how we invest in this one page summary.
DownloadNew Zealand Green Investment Finance is a Crown-owned green investment bank established to accelerate investment that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions in New Zealand.
With a broad and flexible mandate, our investments can take many forms, from debt to equity, with the ability to take risk positions that help attract co-investors.
Our investments are made on a commercial basis and we do not offer grants, subsidies or concessionary terms.
NZGIF is listed in Schedule 4A of the Public Finance Act 1989 and the Minister of Finance and Minister for Climate Change are our shareholding ministers.
As a limited liability company independent of government, we make our own investment decisions, informed by a Board and team with expertise in investment, financial markets and sustainability.
We invest in scalable companies, technologies and projects that are commercial-ready and offer low carbon benefits for New Zealand. Find out more about how we invest in this one page summary.
DownloadOur four objectives to help us achieve our mission.
Globally, countries and states have established green investment banks to enable public and private investment in domestic low carbon and other environmental projects.
The mandate and scope of green investment banks can vary, but they generally deploy innovative financing approaches and specialised expertise in the sector to support capital deployment.
Green investment banks are usually capitalised by governments but operate independently in the market to mobilise private investment.
We are committed to using our capital to make a difference in moving New Zealand towards a low carbon future.
Cecilia Tarrant, New Zealand Green Investment Finance Board Chair
With the mandate to invest in projects and companies that will reduce New Zealand’s emissions, we invest in the following sectors.
e.g. electric bus deployment
e.g. replacing commercial boilers
e.g. commercial building retrofit programmes
e.g. precision agriculture applications
e.g. renewable energy systems that help wider decarbonisation
e.g. bio-plastic alternatives
e.g. waste-to-energy
Read our latest annual report to find out more about us and what we do.
NZGIF operates within the wider New Zealand climate change policy framework, which was established by the Climate Change Response Act 2002.
New Zealand’s domestic climate targets were established by the Zero-Carbon Act (2019), which aims for zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This Act also established the Climate Change Commission, which provides the Government with expert advice on emissions budgets and mitigation and adaptation strategies to help meet the 2050 targets.
In May 2022, the Government published New Zealand’s first Emissions Reduction Plan, which contains strategies, policies and actions for the country to achieve its first emissions budget and contribute to global efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5˚C above pre-industrial levels.
One of the key sections of the plan concerns funding and finance for emissions reduction, and it acknowledges that the public and private sectors need to work together to provide the funding and financing required to achieve our emissions targets.
NZGIF plays a key role in these efforts to finance initiatives to decarbonise our economy, by investing directly in decarbonisation initiatives earlier and on more favourable terms than many privately managed investment funds.
Most private investment managers have mandates that do not allow or restrict their ability to undertake or support direct investment through investment in any unlisted security. NZGIF’s financing aims not only to help projects get underway but also to demonstrate the feasibility of these initiatives, and thereby to help develop the market for green financing deals in the future.