Our strategy and values

Read more about our purpose and objectives.

Our purpose

To accelerate and facilitate investment in emissions reductions in New Zealand.

Our strategic opportunity

New Zealand’s climate emergency creates urgency for NZGIF to use its flexible mandate and market-facing solutions to better enable the decarbonisation of the economy. 

Our objectives

Invest to reduce emissions

Our goal is to help New Zealand transition to a low carbon economy through effective climate finance. We invest in a range of sectors in a number of ways. But, in general terms, our finance is designed to help companies decarbonise their own operations, or to develop new technologies or processes that will help others decarbonise.

Invest on a commercial basis

Investing on a commercial basis and demonstrating the economics of low emissions investments is a critical part of our mandate. By successfully investing and generating attractive returns, we demonstrate to the market that decarbonisation projects make economic sense for capital providers, and are inherently profitable for the entities undertaking them.

Crowd-in private capital

One of our primary objectives is to attract private capital into the low emissions investment market, otherwise known as “crowding-in”. Crowding-in can take various forms, including: co-financing projects with private investors; capital recycling, whereby NZGIF exits an investment and is replaced by another investor; or aggregating or structuring investments into financial products in which others can invest.

Show market leadership

We play a key role in developing a low emissions investment market, not only through our investments but also by sharing relevant information to market participants via case studies, events, and publications. Our ultimate goal is to demonstrate that successful investments in low carbon companies, projects and technologies can be made on a commercial and profitable basis.

Our strategy

NZGIF Strategy 2024-25

Our values

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We are one team

circel magnifying glass FillWzI4MCwyODBd


We have courage

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We lead change

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We aim high